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Photo Credit Shawn Smith Instagram Shawnsy15 |
Neisha Kelly
We know that there are 24 hours in a day. How do you spend your time? What will you
accomplish? What will you chance and save for tomorrow?
We think of moguls as..."a person that is his\her own boss and makes executive decisions at
any second without any semblance of indecisiveness. It is done with assurance, confidence, and
with much built upon knowledge.
On Thursday, May 12, 2016, I had the pleasure of interviewing a mogul made from birth. One
would say his development into a mogul was innate there was no avoiding it. He comes from a
long line of moguls. Tim McRae wears many hats; he wears them with pride and courage. He is
not afraid to make an executive decision. Upon, meeting him one would notice his flair for
being unapologetically himself the mogul, the man, and there is no myth about the fact he is a
hard-working man.
Tim was born and raised in Trenton, Jersey where he learned about the value of money at an
early age. He also knew early on that he would not fit in at a nine to five. It was then he knew
he was born to stand out as a mogul. He has never been one to follow the trend he sets the
His family, the McRae’s, are known in Trenton since 1954 for their excellent business acumen,
knowledge, and prestigious customer service. The first black owned business in Trenton McRae
Brothers Laundromat, and/or McRae’s Oil Company. Like generations before and after him Tim
knew how to run a business from the ground up. He was taught at an early age the value of
money and how to attain financial longevity in an era where many are looking for a come up
and don’t really ruminate on a long-term stay in the bowels of success. He wanted his own
business one that was his baby, his own legacy, he wanted to stand on the shoulders of
generations past and carve out his own niche. He has McRae Management where he delves in
music; he himself has an eclectic palette for many flavors of sound. His ear is wired for an
indelible sound, one that etches itself on the memory bank and permeates it goodness deep
into your soul.
You may also be familiar with his food truck, WTF, the acronym stands for Where’s the Food
and trust me after sampling his food you will be repeatedly searching and longing to taste
WTF’s flavor. Little known facts you may want to know food trucks are inspected more
frequently than restaurants. Eating food from a food truck is completely safe.
To reiterate an earlier point Tim wears many hats and knows that a true mogul has multiple
streams of income. He values all of his businesses and works hard on all of them daily. Some
nights he is only surviving on five hours sleep. He is paving the way for his legacy. He is an
innovative thinker always thinking ahead of the next big thing coming. He is always focused on
long-term goals. He will always be relevant because he always ensures he is ahead of the curve.
Like some he became a parent at an early age, 21, and he had to make long-term decisions fast.
His son had no time for dad to be indecisive. His son in essence saved his life and he credits
fatherhood to shaping him into the man he is today.
Despite his love for many things his first love has always been music. He can find a hit in any
genre. He has an amazing ear for good music. He feels the current state of rap music is in the
hands of a generic generation void of real talent. The lyrics are both disingenuous and lack
depth. These artists lack empathy for their music and are not intimately connected with the
audience nor their respective genre. The current state of rap music is on the brink of extinction.
They need to be much more conscious of what they say and do. They have the opportunity to
reach the youth and let them know that black lives matter to them. This will serve as a
reminder to the youth that black lives matter is more than a movement it is something that
needs our empathy. Our lives need to matter to us. They need to be accountable for what they
say and do. Tim says that they need to watch what comes out of their mouth. Drug use is on the
rise among the youth and there is no more respect of man.
Tim is a man that is always focused on the horizon and beyond. He has three major goals to
achieve on his bucket list. The first one is to turn the WTF truck in a brick mortar in Virginia
where artists can perform live and give club goers true VIP treatment. He would like a new
wave Studio 54 type of ambiance. His second goal is for his artists B. Devinchi to win a Grammy
and his whole crew is there to receive it, with him. Speaking of B. Devinchi he will be
performing at “Art All Night” a half-hour set on June 18, 2016. The third and final goal is to own
his dream house and dream car. Since childhood he has had an affinity for cars. He was an avid
collector of Matchbox cars.
I will end this article with a few sage words from Tim, always know your worth. No one will
believe the hype if you won’t. For all you dealing with the financial woes, decrease your debt
and increase your income. For more info on Tim McRae check him out on:
@mcraemanagement (instagram)
@wtf_foodtruck (instagram)
WTF? FOOD TRUCK (facebook)
Twitter: MCRAE MNGT.
So humbled thank you for even paying attention to our movement...PEACE & BLESSINGS..TIM MCRAE