This term was shared to me many years ago and has become something I think about regularly.
In short we all have time, talents and some form of treasures. I've come to understand that what works for me is to think about MY time, talents and treasures. Which leads me to conduct myself in a certain manner.
Being in this state being often has seemingly impossible things happen to me on a regular basis. So much so that I live expectantly, eager for what is happening next or soon trusting that the probability that it is going to be something awesome!
As I was about to leave the office HUB-13
Yolanda L. Robinson asked if I would join her on a ride to the office Wanda McNeill via the Mercer County Parks Commission.
During the ride Landy mentioned that she was securing bags to be filled with books that would be given to children for the holidays. She went on to mention that Wanda Webster Stansbury had initiated her participation.
Wanda Webster Stansbury and I have collaborated in the past on literacy efforts. Via my relationship with I was able to secure copies of Highlights Magazine for students at the Gregory School. Followed by the Gregory Schools adoption of an LBOT - Library Boxes of Trenton.
I was then able to connect with Danielle Miller Winrow of Sprout U School of The Arts