Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Trenton Civic Trust June 2016 Meeting

Trenton 365 On Location

Trenton Civic Trust

Monthly several residents and Trenton supporters gather to discuss various topics of concern and work to design and implement solutions.

Supported by The Citizens Campaign’s platform of civic power tools and training, and its pro bono government attorneys and policy experts in urban government, Civic Trustees are changing the game by:
·       Engaging in bottom-up conversations about issues they care about
·       Conducting evidence-based research on these issues to identify what is working in other cities
·       Shaping the solution to make it more feasible to get results. This is called “doing the doable”.
·       Working with The Citizens Campaign’s Legal Task Force to turn the solution into a “ready to adopt” legal form such as an ordinance, executive order, or resolution
·       Approaching challenges with a “no blame” perspective in order to keep the focus on the solutions
·       Partnering with local government to get results that are: (1) evidence-based, 2) cost effective, and 3) beneficial to the whole community
·       Achieving success via adoption of their solutions by city council, school boards, planning boards and other government agencies
·       Sharing the ongoing story of city government innovation through civic leadership written by City Storytellers 

Meet Princess Hoagland the Trenton Civic Trust Facilitator

Our June 2016 meeting held at Thomas Edison State University included a presentation by The Citizens Campaign Chairman and Founder Harry Pozycki.  Pozycki outlined the “10 Key Steps To Get Results” in “No Blame Problem Solving.”

During each meeting Trustees gather into smaller groups for specific discussions.  Currently we are focusing on Education, Public Safety, Environment, Quality of Life and Economic Development. 

If you would like to join the Trenton Civic Trust or have some questions please visit the website or contact Angeline Dean 732-548-9798 ext.7

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